
Friday, May 31, 2019



The bones of the feet can tell a lot about a person. What do feet reveal about a person's height? Forensic anthropologists team up with law enforcers to help solve crimes.
Bones of the feet can reveal an interesting fact about an individual. Let's combine math with forensics to see how.

Image result for foot chart sizeImage result for foot to height ratio chart
Aim:  To use forensic science techniques to measure the height of a criminal.


  1.  ruler 
  2. foot
  3. person
  4. wall
  5. device 


  1. get a ruler
  2. measure your height 
  3. record your height to a doc
  4. measure your feet
  5.  record your feet in a doc 


Foot (CM)
Height (CM)
Divide the length of each person's foot by his/her height. then multiply it by 100. 

Stop Motion journey

For art module we are doing our stop Motion in our groups. This Monday we started filming our short film about a boy who has no friends who also gets bullied. After a very bad day the boy named jack finds a bumps into another boy who he had never seen before.   
this is a photo of the cast. The man on the couch is jack, the woman in the car plays two characters she plays nicki and Vicky.
the man on the left side of the car 
In this photo we have all of our props 

Here is a little bit of what we have done so far. It is a little bit shaky due to the fact we had to do it on the iPad.
but we are still super happy with what we have.    


Home Chemistry -Forgeries

Image result for forgery

Graphologists are forensic experts who look at handwriting.

Image result for forgery

Many things can be forged: art works, money, writing, etc

Forgery link

Aim: To Analyse a signature using forensic science.

Image result for forgery


A pen / pencil
Tracing Paper
Writing paper
A ruler


A. Top Of Letter Analysis

1. Sign your name on a sheet of writing paper and get someone else to try to copy it.
2. Place the tracing paper over both signatures and make a dot at the top point of each letter – for both signatures.
3. Join up the dots for both signatures to get two zigzag lines across the signatures. Are the lines the same?

B. Bottom of Letter Analysis

1. Put some fresh tracing paper over both signatures.
2. Put a dot at the bottom of each letter.
3. Join up the dots to make zig zag lines. Are the lines the same?

C. Slant Analysis

1. Put a fresh piece of tracing paper over both signatures.
2. Mark a vertical line down through the middle of each letter (using a ruler), slanting it in the same direction as
the letter.
3. Compare the set of lines for both signatures. 
What do they tell you.


Top Letter Analysis
Are the lines the same?
I got mine great My friend was close but didn't get it right
Bottom Letter Analysis
Are the lines the same?
I did goodshe go most of the bottom wrong there was some she got right
Slant Analysis
What are the slants telling you?
They were all the sameall of the letters were different

Activity : Get someone to try to forge your signature and then try both of these methods to analyse it.

Write up the findings based on the following questions.

  Writing analysis of a friends forgery.

The size of the letters – all big, all small, mixed?

Where they dot the ’ i ‘– over the top or off to the left or off to the right, or not at

How they cross their t – straight, angled up or down, where on the t stroke it
is crossed

The slant of the letters (use a ruler) – forward, backward, upright, mixed

Are there breaks in words, or are all the letters in the words joined up

The length of stalks on y, q, p, below the lines – long or short

Ball skills

Today I am happy to say that we  have started our new module PE I was so happy to be starting PE. The first thing we did was practise traping the ball with our feet we were told to get into teams of four so in our team was Hope Shontelle kalea and I. We were given a ball and four cones. we did that for at least 15 minutes. Once we finished practising with the ball our team and another team played a game were one team would have the ball and the other team would have to get the ball there was also no goal it was so fun and in my opinion the teams work great together. We played against the other team for awhile but unfortunately every game has to come to an end. Due to the fact that the bell rang.
PE is and was awesome.


Number of sides
1 examples

  1.  denoting a crystal system or three-dimensional 
Image result for Triclinic crystal

10 the monoclinic crystal system is one of the 7 crystal systemsImage result for Monoclinic crystal

6unequal in lengthImage result for Orthorhombic crystal

10triangular in cross section.

9having six straight sides and six anglesImage result for hexagonal crystal
 Related image

6denoting a unit of measurement equal to the volume of a cubeImage result for cubic
Image result for cubic

12A polygon with four sides and four anglesImage result for Tetragonal

Tane Mahuta

I am a part of the Tane Mahuta group and our job is to make a difference in the school. We hope that with a bit of good change we can improve the way we treat the world and our environment. Because at the end of the day we are the ones who have to live in the word that we have today.

Today we walked around the school and seeing all the rubbish it was horrible the way we are going with all the rubbish and plastic those poor land and sea animals are going to be extinct.Image result for tane mahutaImage result for tane mahuta