For wananga (year 9, 8 & 7 are joint together in a class for 7 hours a week with a great teacher Mrs Allan ) we had to make our goal setting. We are going to be showing this to our parents tomorrow ( 18/2/2020) for parent teacher interviews.
Here is my Goal Setting:
Year 9 Wananga Goal Setting
Name: Addyson Class: 9Al Term: 1 Year: 2020
Greatest achievement from last year:
Tane Matuta Prize giving.
Subjects taken this term
1: Hurumanu 3 (Social Studies & Science)
2: Hurumanu 4 (Maths & English)
Physical Education
Option 1: Japanese
Option 2: Textiles Tech
Option 3: Visual Arts
Academic Goals
Short term (term):
Putting more effort into my work
Long Term (year):
Remember Japanese words
Non-academic goal (can be out of school)
Joining some sort of sport
What are my learning strengths
I can think creatively
I can think outside the square
I can ask relevant questions.
I can communicate effectively with both peers and adults in a range of environments.
I can source information and break it into parts to clarify understanding.
I can manage myself in an online environment
What are my learning work ons
I understand and demonstrate both verbal and non-verbal communication
I can set goals, self-assess and make learning connections
I feel confident sharing my work
I can manage my own emotions and empathise with others
What will my next steps be?
Short Term - Getting my work done to my best
Long Term - Learning and remembering Japanese words
Non academic - Joining a sport
How will I achieve this?
Short Term - Doing more work at home
Long Term - Practicing the words over and over
Non academic - Look for opportunities.