In music I have enjoyed learning the piano and learning how to play songs. I can only play one so far though.
What was challenging for me during this subject was learning how to play the ukulele, guitar and performing in front of the class The biggest challenge I faced was singing in front of my class. that was what my group and i decided to do since we both like singing.
I performed with Tehya and the song we sung was (when I look at you by Miley Cyrus). I'm not sure why we decided to sing this but we practised a few times till we were comfortable and could sing in front of each other without feel nervous. So then we would be comfortable singing with each other
Performing in front of my class made me super nervous, we had the opportunity to not perform but I thought it'd be best to give it a go because i knew if i didn't i'd be disappointed in myself.
I was actually really disappointed in my performance because my voice was shaky and I know I can do a lot better so I'm not happy with the performance however I am happy I got up and tried.