
Thursday, May 27, 2021

Sustainable fishing (Social Studies)

In this moment in time, sustainable fishing is a option. One of which happens to be very unlikely to happen. Or though there are people in the world that would be open to cutting down on the amount of fish they eat or catch, there are still many people who do not choose to and don't think more seriously about how serious this problem is and how they are a part of this issue. There are many people who eat fish regularly or go fishing regularly and don't think much of it. Where as if people did cut down on the amount of fish they catch or eat it would give time for the reproducing of more fish. With the amount of fish getting caught purposely and from by catch is to much, this is not giving the fish enough time to reproduce. If this continues Species of fish will die and go extinct damaging the food chain. The extinct fish's food source would over populate and will eat all of their food causing more and more extinction as time goes on.     

Unfortunately as bycatch just one boat caught 45 dolphins while fishing for tunas, the amount of tuna that was caught was 8. It can not be guaranteed by even the workers of the dolphin safe fisheries that label is true. They bring Observers on boat to make sure dolphins are not caught by by catch but the observers can and have been be bribed to stay quiet. There have been 100,000 dolphins caught yearly because of fishing practise. Longlining and purse seining are used for fishing. It allows the fishers to catch 100s of fish at a time, many sea life are getting caught and thrown back into the ocean as a result of by catch. 

Over fishing and by catch are two server issues that have been going on for awhile. By catch is when dolphins or other sea life that fishermen or fisheries aren't wanting to catch happen to get caught, killed and discarded back into the ocean. Over fishing is what was mentioned earlier, a species of fish that fishermen have taken to frequently and consistently that the species doesn't have enough time to reproduce. 11,000 - 30,000 sharks are killed per hour. Shockingly over half of which is by catch and discarded as waste and put back into the ocean. At least 50,000 sharks are killed per year lying along side many other marine life that was unfortunately caught as bycatch. 

The nets, fishermen use to catch fish have been found all over the ocean. It has trapped sea life and have caused then to die.     
Dolphin Caught In NetWhat is Overfishing? Facts, Effects and Overfishing Solutions

Shark finning (Social Studies)

Shark finning is when people catch sharks and cut off the sharks fin. Once the fin is cut off they discard the sharks back into the ocean as waste, The sharks are still alive when put back into the ocean. Shark fins have been used in a soup that was made 1000s of years ago as a traditional dish in china, Shark-fin soup. It was quite an uncommon delicacy ingested by only the Chinese high class long ago.

If sharks were to go instinct this would drastically affect the food chain seeing as shark are quite high on the food chain and many plants and  in the ocean would die.   

Lab-Grown Clean Meat Could Bring an End to Shark Fin Soup and Foie Gras

Wednesday, May 26, 2021



Some of the iron nails will rust/corrode. They will corrode in tap water, salty water. They won't corrode in boiled water and oil. won't corrode calcium chloride and bung, won't corrode Vaseline and water, won't corrode painted nail zinc and water  

Aim: To investigate the factors that cause rusting of iron and the number of techniques that may prevent rusting  


8 test tubes,2  test tube rack, 2 a bung, 8 iron nails, boiled water, tap water, salty water, Vaseline gel, nail polish, zinc pellets or magnesium, ribbon, salty water, cooking oil, calcium chloride, 

Method ;

label 8 test tubes A1 - D1 A2 - D2,

fill test tubes A2 - D2 with enough water to cover the nail 

test tube A1 bwill have an iron nail and tap water . B1 has a iron nail and salty water. C1 has iron nail with boiled water, oil. D1 will have calcium chloride; sealed  with a bung. A2 has a iron nail. B2 a iron nail covered in Vaseline. C2 a iron nail painted in nail polish. D2 a iron nail with a small piece of magnesium ribbon wrapped around it, or with zinc pellets added to it 


A1: Nothing happened

B1: Rusted the nail well 

C1: Only rusted a little bit  

D1: Nothing happened 

A2: Nothing happened

B2: Nothing happened 

C2: Rusted well 

D2: Nothing happened 

Monday, May 24, 2021

Starfish poem (social science)

Starfish poem

This poem sends a message, A message that even something small can make a difference in the world. 
In the end of the poem a man comes across another who happens to be throwing starfish into the ocean to save their life as the sun is going down, He says it won't make a difference but it dose for the ones who are saved. one person can make a difference just as one thing


Crop hands holding starfish on bed of sea – Stockphoto

News paper article (Social science)

For social science we were asked to create a article on the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. This includes where and why this problem has occurred also including some of causes and affects of this server problem. As the ocean is a very important part of earth this problem needs to be brought to attention of  everyone out there which is why this article has been created. There are a lot of people bringing awareness of this but there are still a lot of us that still need to realise the damage that has and is to happen.   


Friday, May 21, 2021


In wananga we had a assessment to complete. This assessment was based around ore wellbeing and health. We had to create 3 goals around 3 different aspects of wellbeing. Mine were of physical, mental and friendships all thing that affect one aspect affect all of them. We were to write down how we would do this and how we could measure our improvement. As time goes on we are to keep making progress and to calculate theses improvements this is to help our health and to Help us with thinking and creating goals for us to challenge ourselves for the future. Our goals are to be related to something we are interested in or that we need.     

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Live up to you

This is a site designed to help wellbeing by setting up a range of challenges, To help all 4 aspects of hauora.   

The challenge I chose was out of physical wellbeing 

There were a range of challenges to choose from the one i have decided to chose was habits / routines.

So far it hasn't gone so well but only 2 days since we have been asked to pick a challenge. So what hasn't gone well is remembering or making this a part of my day. Nothing really about this has gone well so far  

  Create Better Habits for Better ResultsHow to Form Better Habits as an Entrepreneur

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

The Great Pacific Garbage Patch

This is a short summary of the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. Covering how much Garbage that was collected and the area that was covered. The Great Pacific Garbage Patch is a place in the ocean where a build up of lots of garbage has long been collected. This has had a very negative affect on earth because of the previous extinction of sea life. Also happens to be affecting food chains and global warming. Around the world plastic is being band and there has been groups of people picking up rubbish so it doesn't get thrown into the ocean.