
Wednesday, July 27, 2016

My descriptive story

I begin to shake like thunder. I hear a voice inside my head saying, “you can do it!” in an encouraging way. My friends and family are staring at me. Then I hear, “on your marks, get set, go!” in a loud voice. I start to sprint over the starting line. I can feel my knees shaking and my legs feel numb. I feel like I am going to fall. My friends and family are cheering. I can’t take it any more. It’s the hardest thing I have ever done. I can feel the sweat running down my face. I do not  know what to do. I feel like I may give up but instead I keep sprinting and sprinting. I feel like tipping a bucket of cold water over myself. It is like a nightmare but instead of night it’s day. Then I see the finish line, I start to go faster. I feel like I have had a brick dropped on my feet. I keep puffing and puffing like I am the wolf blowing the three pig’s house down. When I cross the finish line I fall to the ground like rain pouring down. My throat feels rusty so I get a big drink of cold water. I feel like a hot mess .